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WHEREISTHEONE - ou Marjorie à la recherche de Mister Right

Rechercher l'âme sœur quand on est célibataire à 34 ans (déjà!) et qu'on a "tout pour plaire" paraît-il...Searching for Mister Right, when you are 34 (already) and have "almost" everything...


When it comes to meeting people from the net, the best strategy of all is to expect nothing at all out of the meeting. I was talking about it this afternoon with a friend, and that was my conclusion.

Each time I have expected something, even friendship, it turned out to be so disappointing and useless that I thought I had lost my time with the guy. Even sparing an hour for a drink in a pub or a coffee shop, even that was too much of a waste of time.

Funny enough, the only time I didn’t expect anything out of it, I fell for this man, the only one I really didn’t think I would end up meeting… Time flew so quickly while I was with him that soon I had to leave, although I didn’t feel like it. (Yes, I’m talking once again about my five hours in paradise! Sorry but I can’t help it!!!)

Why? Well… Tough question really. I think I was just myself, the real me, not putting on any kind of make up, not pretending to be someone else but myself, not trying to act as I would have been expected to, not even trying to seduce anyone, but simply being true to myself.

This is the right attitude, as you are probably more open to the other people around you and easily surprised by something coming out of the blue when not expecting anything.

So I think I will not expect anything from my next meetings ever again, if I can manage to do this from now on. And we’ll see where it leads me to.

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C'est Bergson qui disait que la clé du bonheur est dans le désespoir, au sens ou si l'on n'a plus d'espoir, on ne peux plus être déçu, et donc on ne peux plus être malheureux....Ca recoupe un peu votre propos...     
Ben il avait peut être raison, mais je suis encore loin du désespoir, alors suis-je encore loin du bonheur??? Ca serait dommage....
V'la que mon ordinateur fait des siennes!!!!!!!!j'comprends rien a se qu'il marque à l'écran!!!
oups, désolée, ça arrive. Comme c'est étrange, l'informatique, parfois!!!